fc / Review

Table of Contents

A review session can be started with M-x org-fc-review . Due cards are reviewed in random order.

If a card was rated "again", it will be reviewed again at the end of the current review session. This can be disabled by setting org-fc-append-failed-cards to nil .

Review Contexts can be used to only review cards of a set tag or type, e.g. when using org-fc to learn different foreign languages where mixing them in one review session would lead to confusion.

Each time a card is rated, an entry is added to the Review History .

Cards can be excluded from review without deleting them by suspending them .

Review Process

  1. Open file of card
  2. Narrow to heading
  3. Set up card for review
  4. Activate org-fc-flip-mode
  5. Flip the card (user)
  6. Switch to org-fc-rate-mode
  7. Rate the card (user)
  8. Repeat process with next due card

By default failed cards (rated again) are appended to the current review session. This can be disabled with (setq org-fc-append-failed-cards nil) .


Flip Mode

Key Binding
RET flip card
n flip card
s suspend card
p pause review for editing
q quit review

Rate Mode

Key Binding
a rate again
h rate hard
g rate good
e rate easy
s suspend card
p pause review for editing
q quit review


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