Org Babel

emacs org

Table of Contents

Literate Programming with Org Mode .



A source block

#+name: my-block
#+begin_src ps
% Some code
#+end_src ps

Can be included like this:

#+begin_src ps :noweb yes
#+end_src ps

Header Argument

Controls the expansion of noweb references.

  • :noweb no (default)
  • :noweb yes , expand when evaluating, tangling or exporting
  • :noweb tangle , only expand when tangling
  • :noweb eval , only expand when evaluating
  • :noweb no-export , don't expand when exporting
  • :noweb strip-export , strips references when exporting

Referencing Blocks in Other Files

Run org-babel-lob-ingest ( C-c C-v i ) in the file where the blocks are defined.

Blocks are stored in the alist org-babel-library-of-babel .

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