Hatching Test

art lisp

Table of Contents

Hatched Rectangle

(defun hatched-rect3p-x (o s z spacing)
  (rect3p o s z)
  (let* ((n (floor (/ (x s) spacing)))
         (spacing (/ (x s) n)))
    (loop for x from 1 below n do
       (vec2 (+ (x o) (* x spacing)) (y o))
       (vec2 (+ (x o) (* x spacing)) (+ (y o) (y s)))

(defun hatched-rect3p-y (o s z spacing)
  (rect3p o s z)
  (let* ((n (floor (/ (y s) spacing)))
         (spacing (/ (y s) n)))
    (loop for y from 1 below n do
       (vec2 (x o) (+ (y o) (* y spacing)))
       (vec2 (+ (x o) (x s)) (+ (y o) (* y spacing)))


  (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 0.0) (vec2 1.0 1.0) 0 0.1)
  (plot-pseudo3d "images/hatching_test/square.png"))


    (translate-repeat 5 (vec2 2.0 0.0 0.0)
      (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 0.0) (vec2 1.0 10.0) 0 0.1))
  (plot-pseudo3d "images/hatching_test/repetition.png"))


  (repeat 5
    (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 0.0) (vec2 1.0 10.0) 0 0.2)
    (move 1.0 0.0)
    (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 0.0) (vec2 1.0 10.0) 0 0.1)
    (move 1.0 0.0))
  (plot-pseudo3d "images/hatching_test/combination.png"))


  (dotimes (i 10)
    (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 0.0) (vec2 1.0 10.0) 0 (/ 1.0 (1+ i)))
    (move 1.0 0.0))
  (plot-pseudo3d "images/hatching_test/gradient.png"))


  (loop for x from 0 below 8 do
    (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 (* 2 x) 0.0) (vec2 1.0 16.0) 0 0.1))
  (loop for x from 0 below 8 do
    (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 (* 2 x)) (vec2 16.0 1.0) 1 0.2))
  (loop for x from 0 below 4 do
    (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 (* 4 x)) (vec2 16.0 1.0) -1 0.6))
  (loop for x from 0 below 4 do
    (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 (* 4 x) 0.0) (vec2 1.0 16.0) -2 0.05))
  (plot-pseudo3d "images/hatching_test/overlay.png"))


(dotimes (i 5)
   (loop for x from 0 below 16 do
     (with-prob 0.5
     (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 x 0.0) (vec2 1.0 16.0) (rand% 0 1000) 0.1)))
   (loop for x from 0 below 16 do
     (with-prob 0.5
     (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 x) (vec2 16.0 1.0) (rand% 0 1000) 0.2)))
   (loop for x from 0 below 16 do
     (with-prob 0.5
     (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 x) (vec2 16.0 1.0) (rand% 0 1000) 0.4)))
   (loop for x from 0 below 16 do
     (with-prob 0.5
     (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 x 0.0) (vec2 1.0 16.0) (rand% 0 1000) 0.05)))
   (plot-pseudo3d (format nil "images/hatching_test/random~d.png" i))))

random0.png random1.png random2.png random3.png random4.png

Random, Two Axes

(dotimes (i 5)
   (loop for x from 0 below 16 do
     (with-prob 0.5
     (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 x 0.0) (vec2 1.0 16.0) (rand% 0 1000) 0.1)))
   (loop for x from 0 below 16 do
     (with-prob 0.5
     (hatched-rect3p-x (vec2 0.0 x) (vec2 16.0 1.0) (rand% 0 1000) 0.2)))
   (loop for x from 0 below 16 do
     (with-prob 0.5
     (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 x) (vec2 16.0 1.0) (rand% 0 1000) 0.4)))
   (loop for x from 0 below 16 do
     (with-prob 0.5
     (hatched-rect3p-x (vec2 x 0.0) (vec2 1.0 16.0) (rand% 0 1000) 0.05)))
   (plot-pseudo3d (format nil "images/hatching_test/random2_~d.png" i))))

random2_0.png random2_1.png random2_2.png random2_3.png random2_4.png

Probabilistic Hatching

(defun phatched-rect3p-x (o s z spacing prob)
  (rect3p o s z)
  (let* ((n (floor (/ (x s) spacing)))
         (spacing (/ (x s) n)))
    (loop for x from 1 below n do
          (with-prob prob
                      (vec2 (+ (x o) (* x spacing)) (y o))
                      (vec2 (+ (x o) (* x spacing)) (+ (y o) (y s)))

(defun phatched-rect3p-y (o s z spacing prob)
  (rect3p o s z)
  (let* ((n (floor (/ (y s) spacing)))
         (spacing (/ (y s) n)))
    (loop for y from 1 below n do
          (with-prob prob
                      (vec2 (x o) (+ (y o) (* y spacing)))
                      (vec2 (+ (x o) (x s)) (+ (y o) (* y spacing)))
  (loop for x from 0 below 16 do
    (phatched-rect3p-y (vec2 (* x 0.5) 0.0) (vec2 0.5 8.0) 0 0.1 (sqrt (/ 1.0 (1+ x)))))
  (plot-pseudo3d "images/hatching_test/gradient2.png"))


     5 (vec2 0.0 2.0)
      5 (vec2 2.0 0.0)
      (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 0.0) (vec2 1.0 1.0) 0 0.1)))
  (plot-pseudo3d "images/hatching_test/repetition2.png"))
(defmacro translate-grid (n offset &rest body)
  `(translate-repeat ,n (vec2 0.0 ,offset)
     (translate-repeat ,n (vec2 ,offset 0.0)

  (translate-grid 3 5.5 (hatched-rect3p-x (vec2 0.0 0.0) (vec2 2.0 2.0) 1 0.2))
  (translate-grid 5 3.0 (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 0.0) (vec2 1.5 1.5) 2 0.05))
  (translate-grid 2 7.0 (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 0.0) (vec2 3.5 3.5) 3 0.5))
  (plot-pseudo3d "images/hatching_test/repetition3.png"))

Grids of Grids

     5 10.0
     (translate-grid 5 3.0 (hatched-rect3p-y (vec2 0.0 0.0) (vec2 1.5 1.5) (rand% 1 1000) 0.5)))
  (plot-pseudo3d "images/hatching_test/grids2.png"))
    (translate-grid 5 15.0
     (translate-grid 4 2.5 (rect3p (vec2 0.0) (vec2 3.0) 1)))
    (translate-grid 3 30.0
     (translate-grid 6 3.0 (rect3p (vec2 0.0) (vec2 2.0) 2)))
    (translate-grid 3 26.0
     (translate-grid 5 3.5 (rect3p (vec2 0.0) (vec2 3.0) 0)))
  (plot-pseudo3d "images/hatching_test/grids3.png"))

If you have an idea how this page could be improved or a comment send me a mail.