______________________ EULERLISP BENCHMARKS Leon Rische ______________________ [2019-08-18 Sun 20:34] Table of Contents _________________ 1. Fibonacci 2. First 50 Problems Tracking the performance of the EulerLisp VM. 1 Fibonacci =========== - [2018-01-19 Fri], 4.77s - [2018-01-20 Sat], 3.94s, switch envs to activation frames - [2018-06-10 Sun], 1.24s, VM instead of interpreter - [2018-06-16 Sat], 1.08s - [2019-08-18 Sun], 1.163s / 1.181s / 1.164s 2 First 50 Problems =================== - [2018-03-15 Thu], 336.278s - [2018-03-18 Sun], 334.140s - [2018-05-06 Sun], 273.969s - [2018-05-26 Sat], 155.746s - [2018-06-13 Wed], 76.466s / 67.378s / 71.117s / 68.940s - [2018-06-16 Sat], 71.238s / 70.655s / 57.536s - [2018-06-17 Sun], 57.10s / 56.814s / 64.800s / 62.390s - [2018-10-28 Sun], 26.69s - [2018-12-19 Wed], 26.914s / 21.712s - [2019-02-01 Fri], 20.443s - [2019-04-18 Thu], 20.280s - [2019-08-18 Sun], 24.918s / 25.424s Note: these benchmarks are biased by changes and improvements in the solution code.